Our practice performs biologic dentistry in full compliance with a set of fundamental principles:

- we never use amalgam for fillings as it is a toxic and harmful material to the body;
- we always carry out each filling according to state-of-the-art technologies and most effective methods, i.e. by making use of multiple layers;
- we always perform a bioelectronic test on the materials we use. Indeed, many people are unknowingly intolerant or even allergic to the materials used. They often suffer from disorders probably ensuing precisely from the physical elements inappropriately used by the dentists;
- we use the computer to accurately measure the tooth working and contact points, whether natural or not. As a matter of fact, bad alignment (malocclusion) between upper and lower teeth is the cause of a number of diseases affecting the spine and the head muscles.
Those who have several amalgam fillings can ask us to replace the most toxic ones. In this case, we run a series of bioelectronic tests to locate the fillings that require immediate action. Furthermore, our bioenergy equipment for Mora Therapy, Vega Test, Super Mora Therapy and homeopathic antitoxic treatment can be used to detoxify the body.