
Dear Customer.
We ask you to give us your opinion by answering the following questions.
All information is strictly anonymous and confidential.
Thus we can continuously improve our work and better meet your needs.

1. How did you hear about the study?

2. What was the reason that prompted you to contact us?

3. What is important for you to choose your dentist?

4. Calling into the studio as it was during a telephone conversation with our caregivers?

On a scale from 1 (unfriendly / cold) to 10 (professional / friendly), which gives value:

5. How is received when it arrives in the studio?

On a scale from 1 (unfriendly / cold) to 10 (professional / friendly), which gives value:

6. What was your impression of our waiting room?

On a scale from 1 (unfriendly / cold) to 10 (professional / friendly), which gives value:

7. Before the appointment had to wait?

0'- 5'
5'- 15'
15'- 30'

30'- 45'
40'- 60'

8. With the same quality care would prefer to end in a few appointments in many long or short appointments?

Few and long Many and short Indifferent

9. What is your opinion on the hygiene and sterilization procedures adopted?

Important and indispensable Unnecessary Indifferent

10. We ask you to write down the names of employees who have impressed with their approach exceptionally positive or negative, between Antonella Barbara and Sara.

Can you describe the behavior or the chance that you hit in a positive or negative?

11. Would you prefer to listen to music with headphones to avoid hearing the noise of the drill?

Yes No Indifferent

12. What do you think of a possible inclusion in the study of one or more colleagues of Dr. Vecchi to include other specialties?

Want to be cured by the doctor
I like that they work in teams (plus experts)

13. What is your opinion of value for money performance?

On a scale from 1 (unattractive) to 10 (very convenient) that gives value:

14. Payment terms are flexible?

Yes No I do not know

15. Do you like to receive semi-annual appointments by phone?

Yes No Indifferent

16. Do you recommend to others (friends) this study?

Yes No

17. What have you enjoyed more of our service and therapy?

18. Are you satisfied with the service?

From 1 (dissatisfied) to 10 (very satisfied):

19. What would change with our service or what would you propose to improve it? This response is very helpful to us. Thank you.

All information is strictly anonymous and confidential.
Thanks again for having responded to the questionnaire, we will follow your advice.